Nuevo Video Whisky Embrujo de Granada

Whisky single malt from spain

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2008

Category: Distilleries, posted on Thursday 31 January 2008, 10:33am GMT

WHISKY PURO MALTA ESPAÑOLEn Granada un grupo de empresarios han
desarrollado el primer Whisky Español Puro de Malta que se fabrica por
doble destilación como se hacia antiguamente.En concreto la fabrica se
haya situada en las faldas de Sierra Nevada y partiendo de esa purisima
agua elaboran un delicioso y muy personal whisky de intenso sabor y
elegancia.Se puede ver mas informacion en su web
www.destileriasliber.comO en su blog
www.destileriasliber.blogspot.comWhisky made with pure malt barley malt
of the highest quality, pure water from the Sierra Nevada (Granada,
Spain). Distilled in copper pot-still made by artisans Albaycin
(Granada neighborhood Arabic) and aged for years in our cellar in old
oak barrels American envinadas with Xerez (Sherry) over 20 years to
bring to the Whisky a perfume subtle and complex and a flavor that get
together in strength and softness in gentle harmony. Our distillery
situated between the Sierra Nevada and the Costa Tropical creates a
micro climate alternating winters 0 ° C and 40 ° C in summer to give
the whiskey a very sharp and great personality, with a unique flavor,
very subtle aromas of a large private surprising strength and quality.


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